NEET 2019 Topper: Nalin Khandelwal, hailing from Sikar district of Rajasthan, topped the National Eligibility Cum Entrance Test (NEET) 2019 on Wednesday. Apart from Khandelwal, three more students from the state secured positions in the top ten ranks in the examination. Khandelwal, whose parents are doctors, said he prepared for the examination for two years. He scored 701 marks out of 720 to top the exam. "I fully focused on studies for two years in Jaipur. Since my parents are doctors and my elder brother is also doing his MBBS, I got full support from them as well as from my teachers," he told reporters.

The topper said he took a break from social media and smartphones.  "I studied for nearly 7-8 hours a day," he said. Speaking at a press conference here, Ashish Arora, academic head and mentor of Allen Career Institute, Jaipur noted, "Nalin has topped the exam and two students from the coaching institute's Kota center have secured fifth and tenth rank."

Director of the institute, Brajesh Maheshwari, said in Kota that many of his students secured top ranks in the examination. He said Bhavik Bansal secured All India Rank (AIR)-2, Swastik Bhatia AIR-4, Anant Jain AIR-5, Sarthak Raghavendra Bhat AIR-6, Dhruv Kushwaha AIR-8, Mihir Rai AIR-9 and Raghav Dubey secured AIR-10.
As many as 98,757 students had registered for the all-India level entrance exam from Rajasthan. Out of these, 93,149 appeared for the test and 64,890 of them qualified.

Also Read | ‘Social media helped me to reduce pressure’, says 3rd topper Akshat Kaushik

The NEET is conducted by the National Testing Agency (NTA) for admission to MBBS and BDS courses in medical and dental colleges approved by the Medical Council of India and the Dental Council of India.

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