New Delhi: The Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPMSP) Prayagraj declared the result of class 10th and 12th result on Saturday. The board announced Riya Jain as the topper of the 10th board with 96.7%, while Anurag Malik stood first with 97% marks in Class 12th board exams.

Riya and Anurag brought laurels to the same school, Sri Ram Inter College in the Baraut area of Baghpat district. west UP.

Class 10th topper Riya Jain aspires to become an English teacher

 The daughter of a small-scale cloth trader, Riya Jain topped the Uttar Pradesh, UPMSP class 10 examination with 580 marks. The 15-year-old secured 99 in Science, 98 in Mathematics, English and Social Science, 90 in Hindi, and 97 in Drawing.

Riya will opt for the science stream in intermediate for her love of mathematics but plans to pursue a career as a teacher in English. “I love science but do not aim to become a doctor or an engineer. I want to do a Ph.D. in English and become a professor,” the topper said.

For her preparation, Riya put in sixteen to seventeen hours a day of study. Riya said that she used to get up daily at 4 am and sleep around 12-1 am. She said, “The credit goes to my school teachers and my elder sister, including parents and grandparents who helped me prepare.”

Riya’s father Bharat Bhusan has a small trade of making ‘ Mata ki chunri’ and the family belongs to Hilwari village of Baghpat.

"I want to become an IAS Officer", Anurag Malik, Class 12th topper

The topper of class 12, Anurag Malik is also from the same school and scored 485 marks out of 500 securing 97 percent. About his preparations, Anurag Malik said that he studied for 15-16 hrs everyday and during the examinations days he used to out more efforts and add extra 2-3 hrs daily.

Anurag said that he would set small targets daily and try to achieve them. “Every morning when I would wake up, I would set myself a target that I need to finish these many chapters. I would study and not get distracted."
 Elated on his success, the class 12th topper said “I want to become an IAS officer because I feel this is the only way to bring about some change in society and help people."

Anurag Malik’s father Pramod Malik owns a small electric shop in a market in Baraut. Anurag Malik earlier topped the district in the Class 10 exam and thereafter decided to top the state in intermediate exam.

He gave all the credit to his parents who supported them throughout his journey Anurag said," My parents never allowed me to do any household chores, I was only focused on my studies. My teachers also helped me a lot."

He cited hard work, regular study, parents, and school’s support as reasons for his success.

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