MBOSE SSLC 10th Result 2019: The Meghalaya Board of School Education (MBOSE) has declared the Meghalaya SSLC i.e. Class 10th Result 2019 today i.e. on Monday, 27th May 2019. The results are available on the official websites of MBOSE- mbose.in and megresults.nic.in. The overall pass percentage has been recorded at 55.72%, with 76.56% regular students passing the exam. The pass percentage of private students is registered at 43.14% and 36.99%, with and without test, respectively.

A total of 21892 students had appeared in regular mode, while 11534 and 16624 candidates appeared in private with test and private without test mode.

The pass percentage for girls who had appeared in regular mode has been recorded at 75.47% while boys lead girls marginally with 77.94% pass percentage.

The state topper title has been grabbed by Neelam Kumari of Embee Rosebud Secondary School,Tura. Neelam has secured a total of 577 marks out of 600. Darila Akor Kharmawphlang of St. Mary's Higher Secondary School,Shillong made it to second position by obtaining 565/600; followed by Luigi Dalian Pasweth of Q. C. Springside English Secondary School, Jowai at number three with 563/600 marks.

District-wise, East Jaintia Hills recorded the highest pass percentage at 77.06%, while only 25.92% students were declared pass in South West Garo Hills, the lowest in the state.

Students who had appeared in the Class 10th or Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) Examination 2019 can follow the steps below to download their result now:

How to check MBOSE SSLC 10th Result 2019?

Step 1 – Visit the official website – megresults.nic.in

Step 2 – Click on the notification that reads:

“Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSLC) Examination 2019

(Results declared on 27th of May 2019)”

Step 3 – Enter your Roll number and click on Submit

Step 4 – Your Scores will be displayed

Step 5 – Download your result and take a printout for further reference

Direct link to check MBOSE SSLC Result 2019

Top 20 Students of MBOSE SSLC Exams 2019

All the best!

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