Mumbai: Maharashtra Governor Ramesh Bai has recommended adjusting school schedules to guarantee students receive ample sleep. During a state education department event, he highlighted the shifting sleep patterns among people. He referenced a common belief that early sleeping and rising contribute to intelligence. These days children are up till midnight and have to get up early for school which makes them sleep-deprived, the governor said.  “I would urge officials to ensure that for students to get good sleep in the morning, they should consider changing school timings,” Bais said. He also said that learning should be fun for students and there should be less emphasis on homework and more emphasis on sports and extracurricular activities. 

Is Sleep Connected To Mental Health?

The link between sleep and mental health is profound, with a crucial impact on patients' overall well-being. Sleep isn't just essential for physical health but also significantly influences mental and emotional well-being. Experts delve deep into this intricate connection, emphasizing its pivotal role in maintaining mental health. Understanding this correlation is fundamental for ensuring comprehensive patient well-being.

In this regard, Dr Sujata Rao, who is the Trustee, MMC Cell Chairperson, at Association of Medical Consultants, Mumbai said, "We often hear someone in a bad mood saying 'I woke up on the wrong side of the bed' & it isn't far from the truth! Sleep and mental health are interconnected and therefore it is an essential component in mental health conversations. Recent studies suggest a bidirectional relationship between sleep and mental health where a person with mental health issues shows signs of sleeplessness or insomnia while a person who is more often sleep deprived can show emotional imbalances, in the long run."


"Basically sleep, if insufficient, increases the risk of mental health conditions. In short, sleep problems may be both a cause and consequence of mental health problems. Sleep is not only important for the physical upkeep of the body but also for psychological and emotional regulation. In fact, CDC advises that adults get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep a day, that varies as per age. In today’s world where people are juggling work and personal life, the aspect that suffers most is sleep. People who work in a high-pressured environment compromise on their sleep to accommodate these untimely activities," she added.


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