New Delhi: The Jawaharlal Nehru University has announced issued rules for conduct on campus. Putting up posters or staging protests within 100 meters of academic buildings at Jawaharlal Nehru University could result in fines up to Rs 20,000 or even expulsion. Earlier, protests within 100 meters of the administrative blocks which house the offices of the Vice-Chancellor, registrar, and proctors, among others, were prohibited as per a High Court order.

In a recent update to the Chief Proctor Office (CPO) manual, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) has expanded the restriction zone, prohibiting protests within 100 meters of academic buildings where classes are held. Any act that incites intolerance toward religion, caste, or community, or is categorised as "anti-national," will incur a fine of Rs 10,000.

This decision comes after an incident in October at JNU where an "anti-national" slogan was scribbled on the School of Languages building wall and the administration announced to set up a committee to look into the repeated nature of such incidents on the campus.

The JNU Students' Union (JNUSU) has strongly opposed the newly implemented rules, asserting that these regulations aim to suppress dissent within the campus. The union has demanded the withdrawal of these rules, expressing concerns about potential limitations on the freedom to express dissenting opinions within the university premises.

"The stringent measures outlined in the manual are aimed at stifling the vibrant campus culture that has defined JNU for decades. The JNUSU demands that the university administration immediately revoke the new manual of the office of the Chief Proctor Manual," the students' union said.

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The new university manual stipulates that breaching these restrictions could lead to penalties, including a fine of Rs 20,000 or expulsion from the campus. Additionally, engaging in activities labeled as "anti-national" or inciting intolerance based on religion, caste, or community carries a fine of Rs 10,000, as per the regulations.

The manual specifies penalties for hosting events like freshers’ parties or farewells without permission—students may incur a Rs 6,000 fine and//or may have to carry out JNU community service. It also prohibits protests near any university member's residence.

Under the new rules, the Vice-Chancellor Santishree Dhulipudi Pandit or the competent authority will have the power to deem an act punishable if they find it in violation of the disciple and conduct in the university. They also have the power to waive, change or uphold the punishment if deemed fit.

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