JEE Main Exam 2020:  The National Testing Agency or NTA is likely to release the admit cards for upcoming Joint Entrance Exams (JEE) exams in the coming week. According to the notification by the NTA to announce the new exam dates, the admit cards will be ‘released 15 days before the commencement of exams. The National Testing Agency or NTA in March decided to postpone the Joint Entrance Exams from April 2020 to July 2020. The new dates of the exams are July 18 to July 23, 2020, in the notice issued on 22 May 2020. Also Check: UGC Guidelines LIVE Updates: University Grants Commission Is Likely To Announce Fresh Guidelines For Final Year Exams Today

Will the exam get postponed?

There are speculations that the examinations will get deferred further especially after the cancellation of the CBSE and ICSE Board Exam 2020. Students also took to social media to raise their concerns, but an official decision is still awaited.

The pandemic has also put a dampener on the plans of many students to study abroad.  Around 9 lakhs had applied for JEE Main in the first round. The application date was later extended to include students whose plans to study abroad got cancelled and this resulted in thousands more applying for JEE. Also Read:  GTU Exams 2020: Students Face More Problems With Allocation Of Far Flung Centres

Parents’ Association write to HRD

The India Wide Parents’ Association wrote to the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) requesting the postponement of all entrances including JEE due to the rising cases of novel Coronavirus in India.

In a letter undersigned by Anubha Shrivastava Sahai, the president of the parents' association said "An important practical problem that the students have is traveling to the examination center during such situations for writing the exams. The situation is very alarming and getting worse day by day and any such decision will put the lives of lakhs of students and the people around them under grave risk,” according to an India TV new report. Other points listed in the letter included students turning into carriers of the virus, the impracticality of social distancing in exam centers, and transportations. As some states are in lockdown, the India Wide Parents’ Association deems necessary that the exams be postponed further.

The exams which were supposed to be conducted in April were postponed due to the nationwide lockdown, but with the rise in cases, students and parents are concerned whether July is safe to conduct nationwide exams.

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