IIT-JEE Aspirant's Rigorous Schedule: The Institute of Technology-Joint Entrance Exam is considered the most difficult exam in India. Preparing for the IIT-JEE exam requires a lot of planning, commitment, and a disciplined schedule. Recently, a user shared a handwritten schedule of a 17-year-old IIT-JEE aspirant. While sharing the schedule, A user said, "A 17-year-old student schedules for India's toughest exam, IIT-JEE preparation."

This schedule brought attention to the efforts put in by the students striving to excel in the IIT-JEE exam. Notably, the young aspirant has allocated only 4.5 hours of sleep each night. 

According to the handwritten note, the IIT-JEE aspirant wakes up at 4:30 am, and the first two hours of the day are spent revising the previous chapters. He then freshens up and starts classwork from 7:45 am to 10 am. After a 15-minute nap, the student continues his classwork. The student takes a 20-minute break for lunch. Studies continue for three hours, followed by a 30-minute nap. From 4 pm to 8:30 pm, the IIT-JEE aspirant attends classes followed by a 30-minute session for "notes." After a dinner break, he returns to studies till 11:45 pm. The student devotes 16 hours each day to his studies.

The handwritten schedule also has a motivational caption: "Never will you have this day again, so make it count."

Reacting on the viral schedule an X user said, "Whether the boy qualifies or not is a matter of luck and destiny, but if he seriously follows this routine, he will be disciplined. Good luck, dude."

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Another X user said, "Students often experience intense pressure, anxiety, and tension while preparing for and taking the JEE Main exam. Reasons for the pressure on students include ;Academic stress, Systemic, flaws within the education system, the role of coaching centers, Social and economic disparities, Ostracism and alienation of students on the basis of identities such as caste, class, gender, and religion, Family and social pressure. Nervousness regarding the question paper and how to answer quickly yet correctly."

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