ICSE and ISC Result 2019: The Council for the Indian School Certificate Examination (CISCE) will be introducing compartmental exams this year once the ICSE (Class 10th) and ISC (Class 12th) Exam Results 2019 are declared. CISCE has released an official circular announcing the conduct of compartmental exams in the month of July 2019, this year. Also, the examination will be conducted only once a year.

While there’s no official announcement of the ICSE and ISC Exam 2019 result dates, CISCE has notified that the compartmental exams will be held from 15th to 17th July 2019. The registration process will commence in the second or third week of June 2019. Students will be required to pay compartment examination fee of Rs.1500/-.  And the result of compartment exams will be declared in the month of August 2019.

Students who pass the English paper along with three other subjects will be eligible to appear for the compartmental exams for Class X. “Only those candidates who have appeared for a minimum of 5 Registered subjects and have passed in English and three other subjects will be allowed to appear for the Compartmental Examination in any one of the failed subjects,” read the notification.

On the other hand, for Class XII students, the candidate must have passed the English paper along with two other subjects. “Only those candidates who have appeared for a minimum of 4 Registered subjects and have passed in English and two other subjects will be allowed to appear for the Compartmental Examination in any one of the failed subjects,” clarified CISCE.

Therefore, students of Class X and XII will be allowed to appear for only One compartmental examination.

Furthermore, students who are either unsuccessful in passing the compartment exam too or are absent on the exam day, will be given one more chance in the following February-March exams to clear the paper.

Students can read official notification for introduction of ICSE and ISC Compartment Exams 2019

The move brings CISCE a step closer to the standard practices of other prominent education boards in the country including CBSE, besides saving one year of the students who fail to secure minimum pass marks in one subject.

Earlier in 2017, CISCE had updated its minimum passing marks policy and brought down the min passing marks for ICSE i.e. Class 10th students to 33% from 35% earlier. The board had also revised the minimum pass marks for ISC i.e. Class 12th from 40% earlier to 35%.

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