By Prof. Swati Sharma

The art of communication pervades every aspect of our daily lives. It is an intricate part of our civilization. Humanity, in the quest to connect and communicate, has developed so many languages, dialects, accents, contexts, subtexts, and you name it.  It’s no wonder then, that it’s become the cornerstone of the workplace as well. However, it takes a slightly different form in the corporate world, enshrouded in the veil of professionalism and orchestrated by the polite norms of decorum. It thus becomes crucial to navigate the throes of the professional sphere keeping in mind these constraints. The flow of communication, after all, is what keeps the workplace alive.

The multifaceted nature of communication is the most interesting part of it. In fact, with the advent of the internet, the possibilities are endless. One could communicate through text, emails, graphs, meetings, videos, the list goes on and on. In some ways, some would say it’s become easier than ever to express ideas, but some may find it tricky. Served with an endless bounty of choices, it might become confusing, and push people further into their shells. There is now an ever-growing need for honing communication skills in the job sector. A study published by Harvard Business Review states that over 97 percent of recruiters consider communication skills as a defining competency, that shapes the trajectory of an organization's growth. Stakeholders need to be involved at every step of the way, and companies are looking for people who cannot just do their jobs well, but also explain their work to the people involved.

This raises the question, is this cause for an alarm? Is it enough to explain some code to the supervisor, an assigned article to a manager, or tasks to subordinates? Good communication encompasses a myriad of skills from active listening to articulating messages with clarity, and professionalism. Truth be told, everyone could do with some training. Indians by nature interact with countless people daily thanks to the population, due to which interaction with our peers is ingrained in our systems. In a formal environment, clarity and professionalism must always go hand in hand.

They’re a yin and yang duality to it. One always needs to be concise enough to avoid misunderstandings, and polite enough to keep a good impression. Managing both at once is the tricky part, but it is essential. The impression that is created on peers, colleagues, and clients plays an important role in one’s career growth. Work is always secondary, but the way it is presented and communicated builds a reputation that is difficult to shake off if bad, and fragile to make if good.

The ability to articulate ideas with precision, engage with others empathetically, and authentically, and navigate complex interpersonal dynamics with finesse gives an edge to the way one carries themselves. Thus, honing communication skills empowers individuals in countless ways. Good communicators understand the importance of effectively crafting and conveying messages, establishing connections, and collaborating for symbiotic growth by constructively resolving conflicts or differences of opinion.

Let’s look at these terms one by one, from the perspective of what ideal communication looks like.

Crafting: Great communicators concentrate on capturing cues that can help them understand their environment better. They recognize that communication is a two-way process and that actively observing and listening are essential components of successful interaction. The ability to capture cues regarding the needs, interests, and expectations of the team members and other stakeholders allows individuals to craft/tailor their messages to resonate appropriately and elicit the required response.

Convey: Good communicators understand that it is as much about the "how" as it is about the "what.". A good message when conveyed poorly drowns in the sea of noise. It is imperative to understand that simply having a good message, a progress update, or a task list isn't enough. There is a need to package the message in a way that wades through the chaos and captures the audience's interest, all while being aware of the appropriate directness and courteousness that is to be attached to it. By paying attention to the nuances of delivery and adapting their approach to suit the needs and preferences of their audience, communicators can ensure that their messages are not lost in the aforementioned noise, but rather stand out and achieve their intended objectives.

Connect: The importance of human connection within organisations has become more crucial than ever. The disruptions caused by technological progress in robotics and the looming presence of Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI continue to reshape industries and redefine job roles. Automation at the workplace has sharpened the innate desire for human connection. In this context, the ability to leverage one’s communication skills to establish, and nurture connections, and maintain a friendly and conducive environment has emerged as a vital strategic asset. Establishing meaningful connections within organisations offers a multitude of benefits. Effective communicators find it easy to influence team members and mobilise them towards collaboratively achieving team goals through synergistic efforts.

Collaborate: Collaboration involves sharing knowledge, exchanging best practices, and leveraging team members' strengths for innovation and growth. Organisations foster collaborative work culture as it lends a spirited collective camaraderie that influences the work psyche, amplifying both individuals' and organisations' capabilities and driving mutual growth. Effective communicators use their communication prowess to collaborate and build networks. This strengthens professional relationships with colleagues, mentors, and other stakeholders, and overall makes for an appealing personality!

Conflict resolution: Conflicts are inevitable in the workplace. Conflict leading to a communication deadlock hampers organisational growth. However, it is crucial to resolve workplace conflicts by listening actively, communicating clearly and respectfully, and facilitating dialogue, for mutually beneficial solutions. Adept communicators frequently leverage their communication and listening skills, the latter being extremely pivotal in ensuring conflicts are addressed fairly. Navigating sticky situations is the hallmark of effective communication, a true test of one’s conflict resolution expertise.

Beyond professional achievements, communication influences personal well-being as well, transcending its role as a mere professional skill to a fundamental aspect of human interaction. By effectively expressing thoughts, feelings, and needs, individuals can establish healthier interpersonal relationships and enhance holistic well-being. Thus communications stand as a linchpin for personal and professional growth. Communication skills empower individuals to navigate complexities and drive one's success by fostering synergy and growth in both personal and professional domains.

(The Author is Associate Professor in FORE School of Management)

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