With strong rainfall pouring across several parts of Himachal Pradesh on Tuesday, the meteorological department has issued a ‘red alert’ predicting heavy to very heavy rainfall and even ‘extremely heavy’ rainfall in the night in as many as 8 out of 12 districts in the state. In view of the red alert, respective Deputy Commissioners of Shimla and Mandi districts in Himachal Pradesh have ordered closure of all schools and colleges in both the districts for the next two days.
The Deputy Commissioner of Shimla Aditya Negi, and Deputy Commissioner of Mandi Arindam Chaudhary have ordered all schools and colleges under their jurisdiction to be closed on Wednesday, August 23, and Thursday, August 24, 2023. In the meanwhile, the Deputy Commissioner of Bilaspur has also said that all educational institutions in the district on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, news agency PTI reported.
Notably, the eight districts for which the meteorological department has issued ‘red’ rain alert include: Bilaspur, Hamirpur, Kullu, Mandi, Shimla, Solan, Sirmaur and Una districts. Earlier on Tuesday, incessant rainfall triggered landslides in Mandi and Hamirpur districts, while uprooting trees in some other areas. However, no loss of life has been reported by far due to the fresh splurge of severe rains in the state.
The northern state has been severely affected by the onslaught of heavy rainfall this monsoon resulting in floods and landslides in several districts of the state. By far, as many as 80 people in the state have lost their lives this month due to rain-related incidents.
Orange alerts with ‘heavy to heavy’ rain warning have also been issued for August 23 and 24, and a yellow alert for August 25 and 26, 2023. The meteorological department has predicted a wet spell of rain in the state till August 28, 2023. Notably, compared to the normal rainfall of 550.4 mm, Himachal Pradesh has received 752.1 mm of rainfall by far this year, which is an increase of around 36% over the normal.
The onslaught of severe monsoon rains have claimed as many as 227 lives in Himachal pradesh this year, while 38 others are still reported to be missing. As per data from the state emergency operation centre, over 12,000 have suffered partial or complete damage, while the state has suffered losses of over 8,100 crore and the losses are still adding up continuously. Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Sukhwinder Singh Sukhu has claimed that the state has suffered losses of over 10,000 crore, PTI reported.
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