General knowledge is a crucial aspect of education, especially for kids. It helps children expand their knowledge base, stay informed about global events, and develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Here, we've summarized general knowledge questions and answers for kids to provide them with a well-rounded understanding of various subjects, including science, history, civics, geography, intelligence and more. 

1. What is the capital of India?

Answer: New Delhi

2. Which planet is known as the "Red Planet"?

Answer: Mars

3. What is the largest mammal in the world?

Answer: The blue whale

4. How many continents are there in the world?

Answer: Seven

5. What is the largest ocean on Earth?

Answer: The Pacific Ocean

6. Who wrote "Romeo and Juliet"?

Answer: William Shakespeare

7. What is the tallest mountain in the world?

Answer: Mount Everest

8. What is the largest animal on Earth?

Answer: The blue whale

9. What is the national flower of Japan?

Answer: Cherry Blossom

10. Which gas do plants absorb from the atmosphere?

Answer: Carbon dioxide

11. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Mercury

12. What is the closest star to Earth?

Answer: The Sun

13. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

Answer: Leonardo da Vinci

14. What is the largest bird in the world?

Answer: The ostrich

15. What is the Earth's natural satellite?

Answer: The Moon

16. Which animal is known as the "King of the Jungle"?

Answer: Lion

17. What is the process of a caterpillar changing into a butterfly called?

Answer: Metamorphosis

18. What is the chemical symbol for water?

Answer: H2O

19. Who invented the light bulb?

Answer: Thomas Edison

20. What is the largest reptile in the world?

Answer: The saltwater crocodile

21. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Mercury

22. Which gas do humans breathe out when they exhale?

Answer: Carbon dioxide

23. What is the national flower of the United States?

Answer: Rose

24. What is the largest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Jupiter

25. Who is known as the "Father of the Nation" in India?

Answer: Mahatma Gandhi

26. What is the smallest mammal in the world?

Answer: Bumblebee bat

27. What gas do plants release during photosynthesis?

Answer: Oxygen

28. Who painted the Sistine Chapel ceiling?

Answer: Michelangelo

29. What is the Earth's innermost layer called?

Answer: The core

30. Which planet is known as the "Evening Star"?

Answer: Venus

31. What is the largest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Jupiter

32. Which gas do humans breathe in?

Answer: Oxygen

33. What is the national flower of France?

Answer: Lily

34. Who wrote "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer"?

Answer: Mark Twain

35. What is the largest big cat in the world?

Answer: Siberian tiger

36. What is the process of a tadpole changing into a frog called?

Answer: Metamorphosis

37. What is the chemical symbol for gold?

Answer: Au

38. Who is known as the "Father of Modern Physics"?

Answer: Albert Einstein

Also Read: General Knowledge For Kids: Check 100+ GK Questions With Answers

39. What is the largest snake in the world? Answer:


40. What is the tallest animal in the world?

Answer: Giraffe

41. Who wrote "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"?

Answer: Lewis Carroll

42. What is the national flower of England?

Answer: Rose

43. What is the Earth's outermost layer called?

Answer: The crust

44. Which planet is known as the "Morning Star"?

Answer: Venus

45. What is the second-largest planet in our solar system?

Answer: Saturn

46. What gas do candles need to burn?

Answer: Oxygen

47. What is the national flower of China?

Answer: Plum blossom

48. Who wrote "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"?

Answer: Roald Dahl

49. What is the smallest big cat in the world?

Answer: Ocelot

50. What is the process of a caterpillar changing into a chrysalis called?

Answer: Pupation

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