On being told the BJP is criticising the mega PTM and its timing, as Delhi will go to the polls in a few weeks time, the Chief Minister said that this was not the first such meeting.
"If they (the opposition) feel it is a poll gimmick, what can I say. They also tried to stop it. But it is wrong. There should be no politics with education and schooling. However, education should be a part of politics. I don't understand why they want to stop this," he told the media.
Delhi government on Saturday organised the mega PTM across all its schools.
Mega PTM in Delhi government schools was launched in July 2016 after the Aam Aadmi Party came to power in Delhi a year before. The AAP government claims that it has significantly enhanced parent-teacher interaction and partnership in children's education.
Kejriwal said the PTM was only a concept in private schools earlier.
"In government schools, this used to happen only on paper. PTM is crucial for students' growth," he said.
Apart from Kejriwal, Delhi Education Minister Manish Sisodia also visited schools in the city on Saturday.
"Had a lovely interaction with the parents on the unbelievable heights our children can reach, only if we put unflinching support behind them, irrespective of our own backgrounds," Sisodia tweeted after the visit.
He said he felt good to see parents being welcomed warmly by the schools and having meaningful conversations with the teachers about education and their children.
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