Delhi School Reopening: The Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) has decided to re-open schools across Delhi from classes 9 to 12 from September 1, 2021, onwards. The decision has been taken in view of the continuous decline in the covid-19 cases. Schools for classes 6 to 8 will re-open from September 8, 2021, onwards. In this regard, DDMA has issued an official SOP.

Following are the SOPs issued by DDMA:

  • The schools have been directed to conduct physical classes with 50% capacity.

  • In order to maintain social distancing, every class will follow a different time formula.

  • There will be a gap of at least one hour between the morning and evening shifts.

  • Students have been asked to not share their food, books, and other stationery items with each other.

  • In order to avoid crowded places, schools have been directed to keep the lunch break in an open area at different time slots.

  • Schools should make a seating arrangement so that there is a gap of one bench between students.

  • Approval from parents/guardians is required for students to attend school. If a parent/guardian does not want to send his child to school, they will not be compelled to do so.

  • Teaching staff or students living in containment zones will not be allowed to come to school.

  • It is mandatory to create a quarantine room within the school premises, where any child or staff can be kept if needed.

  • It should be ensured that the common area of ​​the school is being cleaned regularly, along with the availability of soap and water in the toilets. Also, schools have been directed to acquire thermal scanners, sanitisers and masks etc. within the school premises.

  • A thermal scanner will be mandatory at the entry gate. Masks will be necessary for students as well as staff. Apart from this, the hands of the students will be sanitized at the entry gate itself.

  • School heads have been asked to ensure that all teachers and staff coming to the school are vaccinated, if they are not, then it will have to be given priority.

  • In schools where the work of vaccination and distribution of ration is going on, that part will be kept separate from the place of academic activity. For this, separate entry-exit points will be made and civil defence staff will also be deployed

The decision to re-open schools had been taken during a meeting of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA) on Friday, August 27, 2021.

Note: Students are advised to contact the school administration for further updates regarding the Delhi school reopening.

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