Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal inaugurated the Delhi Robotics League today. At the event, the Delhi CM also hailed and congratulated students taking part in it. Speaking at the inauguration ceremony, Kejriwal said that this is the first time when such high-tech competition has been organised in the country. The students participating in the league have made products that we couldn’t even think of in our time, he added. Adding further, Kejriwal said that teaching Class 11 and 12 students about how to use and harness technology for solving problems is a good thing, which was not in place earlier.

"I studied mechanical engineering at IIT-Kharagpur. I went to my village during the holidays. My grandfather asked me to repair a fan. I told him that I could not repair it. He said, 'You say you come from IIT and you cannot repair a fan'," Kejriwal was quoted as saying by news agency PTI. "Those days, I felt that our education system is cut off from day-to-day problems. We are being taught things that did not solve our daily issues. But I am happy that today students of Class 10 and Class 11 are being taught to use technology to solve day-to-day issues," Kejriwal added. 

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Speaking at the event, Kejriwal also wished luck to the participating students for the finals. Underlining the Delhi government’s push upon revamping and uplifting the education system in the national capital, he further said: The level of education in Delhi's government schools has vastly improved since our (AAP) government came to power. It is one of the best in the world."

Notably, the Delhi Chief Minister inaugurated the Delhi Robotics League and HE21 League today. Earlier, the Delhi government launched the Delhi Robotics League in December 2022 as an inter-school competition to be held at the country-level. The initiative is aimed at instilling curiosity for robotics and related fields, in the minds of students. 

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