Candidates need to apply for the ‘Verification of Marks’ for CS Foundation Dec 2018 Result within 30 days of the declaration of Result i.e. they must submit their online application on or before Saturday, 23rd March 2019, 24:00 hours on the official webpage as shared by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) –
The offline applications for ‘Verification of Marks’ for CS Foundation Dec 2018 Examinations can be submitted by downloading the Application Form from the official website and sending the duly filled application form along with a Demand Draft favouring “The Institute of Company Secretaries of India” payable at New Delhi; or in cash at the Regional/Chapter/Noida Office so as it reaches before the deadline.
However, ‘To optimize the use of on-line mode of payment, candidates are advised to submit their request for Verification of Marks through on-line mode for quicker and hassle-free response,’ read an important advice by the ICSI.
Candidates need to pay an application fee of Rs.250/- per subject for verification of marks.
Read the official notification for ICSI Verification of Marks CS Foundation December 2018 Result
Know how to check CS Foundation Dec 2018 Result Here
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