Mumbai: Authorities in the financial capital city of Mumbai are still wary of opening schools, and seems there is still some time. Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, BMC has gone ahead to put a stay order on the physical reopening of schools and colleges in Mumbai till further orders even as the Maharashtra government allowed schools to reopen for physical sessions for students of classes 5 to 8 from January 27, as per the Hindustan Times report. ALSO READ | Revise, Pause & Repeat! 5 Tips To Kickstart Preparations For CBSE Board Exams 2021

In other parts of Maharashtra, the schools for classes 9 to 12 have reopened since November 23 with the necessary precautions. However, in wake of the new strain of coronavirus, the state had earlier suspended schools in Mumbai till 15 January. All schools across the country were shut since March 2020, but gradually institutions started to open from November last year following Covid-19 regulations.

What has happened so far?

The authorities earlier allowed city schools under the Cambridge board to conduct offline exams for classes 9 to 12, keeping in mind SOPs as prescribed by the civic body. The schools of all other boards will be allowed to conduct board exams for classes 10 and 12.

Meanwhile, schools under all boards such as the state, ICSE, CBSE, etc are allowed to conduct all exams announced or to be announced by the respective boards for Class 10 and 12 in the offline format. “Schools under the Cambridge board can conduct preliminary exams or preboard exams as per their schedules offline while those under all the other boards can also conduct exams prescribed by the respective boards for Classes 10 and 12," stated the circular.

The CBSE board exams will be held in May, and the Maharashtra state board has recently announced that the exams will be held in April and May for classes 12 and 10 respectively. The timetable for state board exams is yet to be announced.

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