The life of a human being is no less than a juicer mixer grinder – you put all the hard work into the jar and churn the success out of it. While the electric appliance needs electricity to run, in our case, it’s the self-belief that fuels us to reach the summit.

Likewise, the same was the success mantra of Chhattisgarh’s Pragati Satpathi who was one of the 59 bright students, securing a total of 497 marks out of 500 in CBSE class 10 board exam 2019.

Pragati hails from Chhattisgarh’s Raigarh district and did her schooling from OP Jindal School. In an exclusive interview to ABP Live, she narrated her success story, stating that ‘self confidence and regular hard-work’ assisted her in achieving this feat.

The 16-year-old wasn’t alone in her journey. Her parents and school teachers were her support systems who backed her throughout.

“My parents and my maternal grandmother who lives along with us were the most supportive one, taking care of my every need and guiding me to achieve the best. Apart from them, my school teachers and coaching faculties have shown me the right pathway for success,” Pragati told ABP Live.

Like every war is conquered with proper planning, Pragati applied the same technique to come out with flying colours in her Class X board exams.

“I had been regular since the beginning of the session and kept completing my course as well. Once it was finished at the school, I got time to concentrate on next topics. I also revised the previous topics regularly in short intervals, so that I do not forget them,” Pragati said.

After making her family, friends and school proud, this young brain is aiming to hit the bull’s eye in the field of medical sciences.

“I wish to pursue biology and aim to become a doctor in future. I have chosen this stream keeping in mind my special interest in biology and my determination to help others.

“For me, it is the most noble profession. One could get the most important aspect of job by being a doctor i.e. job satisfaction. The happiness and well wishes I'll get by curing people is the only Guiding force for me,” she said.

It was just another year when as many as 27 lakh students appeared for the exam. 13 of them notched up the top spot with 499 marks, 25 of them got 498 marks while 59 students secured 497, out of 500.

In the coming years, these numbers are expected to increase and those who are looking for some suggestions, then here are some from one of the warriors:

“My advice to them is to practice past years papers as most questions from SSC and English like subjects are repeated. In fact, maths paper too have questions similar to previous year papers. STICK TO NCERT, revise your topics properly and write the paper with all your confidence,” Pragati signed off.

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