Many students feel sleepy or a lack of focus after studying for a couple of hours. Given that this time will never come back again, and every hour counts, it is important for parents as well as students themselves to eat right. You don’t need to follow any hard rules, just practice clean eating and consume food in its simplest form in order to keep your metabolism high. Here are five tips to eat right for the exam days to maintain an alert mind and shoo away lassitude.
1. Eat Raw
Raw winter veggies like carrots and radish take time to break down in the digestive system. Which means you will have a constant supply of slow-releasing glucose that’ll keep your mind awake. Make sure to eat a bowl of salad with your meals to cut down on carbohydrates, and grab a fruit like apple, kiwi, orange between meals to tame those hunger pangs. Citrus fruits are known to pop those droopy eyes.
2. Go Nuts
Dry fruits and nuts ensure healthy snacking. A handful of nuts like almonds, cashews, walnuts, raisins, or peanuts, twice a day will provide you complex carbs, fibre and protein, and build your immunity while giving you something to munch on!
3. Fish
If you are non-vegetarian, then fish and eggs make up for good sources of protein that is easily digested and doesn’t sludge in your body for long.
4. Desist Junk Food
Abstain from junk food, oily food and aerated drinks. These foods instantly spike your blood sugar level and may make you feel satiated for a brief span, but will make you feel lazy in an hours’ time. Munch on your favorite pizza, burger or samosas, can of coke or pepsi, once your exams are over.
5. The Right Posture
Lastly, eat food in the right posture, sit straight and eat slowly to chew the food thoroughly. After every meal, allow yourself 15-20 minutes to digest your food. Do not sit for long or lie down immediately after having a meal. Rather, the next 15 minutes must be spent standing or walking so that any sugar spike can be distributed across the body, for you to not feel sleepy.
Eat Right, Stay Alert, Say Goodbye to Laze!
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