BSEB Class 12th Compartment Exam 2024: The Bihar School Examination Board, BSEB has released the BSEB class 12th compartment exam 2024 answer key. Students who participated in the BSEB class 12th compartment exams 2024 were eagerly waiting for the BSEB class 12th answer key. Students can download the answer key from the board's official website at If students have any objections regarding the provisional BSEB class 12th answer key, they can raise objections till May 23, 2024. The BSEB board released the class 12th result 2024 on March 23, 2024. Out of the 12,91,684 students who appeared for the exam, 1126439 passed the exam. The overall pass percentage was 87.21%. 

The Bihar Board compartment exams 2024 gives class 10th and 12th students a second chance to pass if they failed in one or two subjects in the BSEB class 10th and 12th examinations 2024. “To evaluate (check) the answers given by the candidates, the answer key of the questions of all the subjects has been prepared by the team of subject experts, which is available on the website of the committee,the official notification reads. 

This year, in the Bihar Board 12th Result 2024, girls outshine boys in all three streams as well as overall. In the Arts stream, girls achieved a pass percentage of 88.07%, outshining boys who attained 83.17%. Similarly, in the Commerce stream, girls excelled with a pass percentage of 96.91%, surpassing boys who achieved 93.86%. Additionally, in the Science stream, girls achieved a pass percentage of 89.71%, while boys achieved 86.73%

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BSEB Class 12th Compartment Exam Answer Key 2024: Steps To Download

Students can follow the below-given steps to download the BSEB class 12th answer key 2024:

Step 1: Visit the official website at

Step 2: On the homepage, find subject-wise links for the BSEB class 12th compartment answer key 2024.

Step 3: Then click on the links as per your requirement.

Step 4: BSEB class 12th answer key 2024 will be displayed on your screen.

Step 5: Download the answer key for your future reference.

For more details regarding the BSEB class 12th compartment exam 2024 answer key, students are advised to visit the official website.

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