New Delhi: Schools will reopen for students in Bihar from class 1 to 8 from August 16, 2021. The state government has taken this decision in view of declining covid cases. Schools have been asked to follow the guidelines and protocols issued by the government. Students, parents, teachers, and other stakeholders are required to follow SOP and guidelines strictly on the reopening of schools.

Schools in Bihar will have to follow the instructions required for school buses and campuses given by the Patna district education administration. The state government has asked that the safety of children be taken care of along with education.

In a tweet about the reopening of Bihar schools, Education Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary wrote: "Schools from class 1 to 8 will open from August 16. Keeping in view the safety of children, necessary instructions have been issued by the Patna district education administration for school buses and premises. The safety of children should be taken care of with education, it is our priority."

Bihar Government Guidelines For Buses & School Premises

  • The school administration will have to ensure sanitization of buses twice a day.

  • To ensure safety, ac in buses should be switched off, and windows should be open for proper ventilation.

  • Students will undergo a thermal screening process while boarding their respective buses.

  • Every bus should have a sanitization facility to ensure entry and exit with proper safety.

  • The bus conductor and driver must wear masks.

  • Students should not exchange their masks under any circumstances.

  • The school administration will have to put up "No Spit" banners on campus to create awareness among students

  • Kids will bring homemade lunch boxes. External shoppers should stay away from the school premises.

  • Students, teachers, and staff will have to follow social distancing on campus.

In addition to all these measures, the State Health Department will make special arrangements for the teachers and staff vaccination of the educational institutes. Earlier schools in Bihar reopened for students of classes 9 to 12 from August 7.

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