A 17-year-old student who was preparing for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) allegedly took his own life by hanging himself in his hostel room, as reported by PTI. This unfortunate event marks the second case of suspected suicide in 48 hours by students taking classes at this coaching hub, the police said on Saturday. Bhargav Mishra's body was found hanging from the ceiling fan of his paying guest room in the Mahaveer Nagar area here around 8.30 pm on Friday, they added.
This marks the eighteenth instance of suspected suicide this year within the group of coaching students who are diligently preparing for competitive exams in this region. Hailing from the Champaran district in Bihar, Bhargav Mishra arrived here in March of the current year. He was a Class 12 student dedicatedly gearing up for the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) through enrollment in a coaching institute in this area.
The boy allegedly hanged himself to death in his room in Mahaveer Nagar-III here sometime around Friday noon, DSP Harshraj Singh said on Saturday morning.
The incident came to light when Mishra, who was last seen around 11 am on Friday, did not answer the repeated phone calls from his parents, following which the paying guest caretaker went to his room and found the door bolted from inside, Singh said.
When Mishra did not respond to his several calls, the caretaker reported the matter to the police who reached the spot around 8 .30 pm and broke the room open only to find the boy hanging from the ceiling fan, he added.
The reason behind the alleged suicide is yet to be ascertained, the DSP said, adding that no suicide note was recovered from his room.
Police are trying to gather more details about him and obtain his performance sheet from the coaching institute to assess his scoring status and regularity in the class, Singh said.
The body has been kept in the mortuary of New Medical College Hospital for the post-mortem which will be conducted once the teenager's family members arrive here, the DSP added.
On the intervening night of Wednesday and Thursday, a 17-year-old NEET aspirant allegedly committed suicide by wrapping his face with a plastic bag in Rajasthan’s Kota, police said.
The lifeless body of the victim, Manjot Chabra, hailing from Rampur in Uttar Pradesh, was discovered within his hostel room situated in the Vigyan Nagar region on Thursday morning.
However, Chabra's parents have raised suspicions that their son's demise was not due to suicide but rather a case of murder. In light of this, they have initiated legal action, lodging a complaint against six individuals, which includes a fellow classmate of the deceased and the proprietor of the hostel.
It's noteworthy that the previous year witnessed a distressing total of 15 suicide cases among coaching students reported within this educational hub.
At present, more than 2 lakh students are accommodated in excess of 25,000 paying guest rooms and around 3,500 hostels, all as they diligently pursue coaching for entrance examinations at various institutes within this locale.
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