Amid the ongoing controversy surrounding Ashoka university and one of its Economics professors, another Economics faculty ‘Pulapre Balakrishnan’ has resigned from his position at the university. Besides Balakrishnan, other professors have strengthened their voice demanding the reinstatement of sacked professor Sabyasachi Das. Colleagues of professor Sabyachi have also written a letter to the governing body of the university, demanding the reinstatement of professor Sabyasachi. The professors have also threatened the university administration with faculty exodus, if professor Sabyasachi is not reinstated. Besides Economics, professors from the English and Creative Writing department have also extended solidarity with professors of the Economics department. 

The offer of resignation by our colleague Prof. Sabyasachi Das and its hasty acceptance by the University has deeply ruptured the faith that we in the faculty of the department of Economics, our colleagues, our students, and well-wishers of Ashoka University everywhere, had reposed in the University's leadership,” the letter reads. 

“Prof. Das did not violate any accepted norm of academic practice. Academic research is professionally evaluated through a process of peer review. The Governing Body's interference in this process to investigate the merits of his recent study constitutes institutional harassment, curtails academic freedom, and forces scholars to operate in an environment of fear. We condemn this in the strongest terms and refuse as a collective to cooperate in any future attempt to evaluate the research of individual economics faculty members by the Governing Body,” the letter further adds. 

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Notably, professor Sabyasachi Das, a faculty at the Department of Economicas, Ashoka University resigned after his paper titled ‘“Democratic Backsliding in the World’s Largest Democracy“ stirred controversy.  Professor Das’ research paper argued that the BJP won a disproportionate share of closely contested parliamentary seats in 2019 Lok Sabha polls, especially in states where it had a ruling government back then. 

The research paper soon got traction online and started drawing criticism from various corners. Seeing the controversy around the research paper stirring up, the university was quick to sideline itself from professor Sabyasachi’s paper. 

“After making extensive efforts to dissuade him, the university has accepted his resignation… Dr Das’s paper on Indian elections was the subject of widespread controversy after being shared recently on social media, where it was perceived by many to reflect the views of the university… The university does not direct or moderate the research conducted by its faculty and students. This academic freedom also applied to Dr Das.” the university said in a statement. 

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