APSC aims to fill 107 vacancies in various Assam Civil Service, Assam Land & Revenue Service and Assam Police Service posts and 58 vacancies in the Superintendent of Taxes, Superintendent of Excise, Assistant Employment Officer, Labour Inspector, Inspector of Taxes and Inspector of Excise posts via APSC CCE 2018 examination.
As per the original schedule, the Commission was scheduled to organize the preliminary examination on 24th November 2018, however, the same was rescheduled to be conducted on 30th December 2018, a few days before the exam date.
‘The candidates already eligible to appear for the examination will be issued fresh e-admission certificates w.e.f 15th December 2018’ read the official notification.
APSC has also released a list of instructions for the candidates appearing for Assam Combined Competitive Exam (Prelims) 2018. The same can be read at the below mentioned url:
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