New Delhi: After unfolding of the shocking topper scam of Bihar, now Gujarat seems to be draping itself in same shade. A shocking case of ‘cheating’ has been reported where the marks of class 10 students were jumbled up by the ‘school teachers’.

According to the reports, Gujarat Secondary and Higher Secondary Board (GSHSEB) sought a retest of Mathematics exam for 500 class tenth students; the results of which raised several eye brows.

The questions that were asked during the retest could not be answered by most of the students. The answer sheets came as a shocker to the board as the students faltered in answering the very basic questions like ‘how many sides does a triangle have?’

The mark sheets of these students were a ‘cherry on the top’ as they all scored at least 85%-90% in the exam.

The Gujarat education board has been investigating the case on the basis of the CCTV footage. On questioning, the students have revealed that they were being helped by the teachers when the exam was underway.

According to the sources, these schools are granted funds from the state government on the basis on the performance by the students in exams.

It’s being said that extraction of the funds is the main reason behind case.

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