Chennai: The DMK Sunday said it would take up a slew of demands including, farm loan waiver, Mekedatu dam issue and exemption for Tamil Nadu from NEET, during the first session of the new Lok Sabha. Speaking to reporters in New Delhi after attending an all-party meeting chaired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi, DMK Parliamentary party leader T R Baalu, said a demand to pass the women's reservation bill in the current session would also be raised.

"Exemption from NEET, scrapping of Mekedatu dam and hydrocarbon project in the Cauvery delta, making Tamil official language in central government offices in the State would be some of our other demands," he said. The first session of the 17th Lok Sabha would commence Monday during which the passage of the Union Budget and other key legislations such as triple talaq would be on top of the agenda for the government.

At the all-party meeting, Modi invited heads of all parties to a meeting on June 19 to discuss the "one nation, one election" issue and other important matters. The DMK along with its partners - the Congress, CPI and CPI(M), swept the Lok Sabha polls in the state winning 37 of the 38 seats. Polling in the Vellore Lok Sabha constituency was
countermanded following allegations of use of money power.

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