Delhi Minor Rape Case: The tragic incident of rape involving a Delhi government official has now become an issue of contention between the ruling AAP and BJP. Delhi minister Saurabh Bhardwaj has raised questions if there is any collusion that the BJP and Delhi police are trying to hide. His remarks came after Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) chief Swati Maliwal was not allowed to meet the victim and her mother. Notably, DCW chief Swati Maliwal went to a hospital where the minor rape victim was admitted for treatment. She was stopped from meeting the girl and her mother, following which, Maliwal staged a 'dharna' inside the hospital on Monday. She stayed at the hospital till around Tuesday noon after which she left.

Reacting to this, AAP minister Saurabh Bhardwaj questioned the conduct of Delhi police and raised apprehensions on the same. He asked if BJP and Delhi police are connected to the case in some way and if there was some pressure from the saffron party due to which the accused was not arrested earlier.

"Delhi police are so coercive that they are not letting Delhi Women Commission's Chief meet the victim. What is it that the BJP and the Delhi police are trying to hide? Are they connected to it? Is there some kind of collusion? Did Delhi police not arrest him because of some pressure from them (BJP)? What is the reason for not letting Swati Maliwal meet the victim?... Any government official who is arrested like this would be suspended. They remain suspended till the case goes on. Delhi government will try to appoint the best lawyer and make sure that the culprit gets the appropriate punishment," the minister said.

On the other, Maliwal said Delhi police is the police of goons accusing them of not allowing her to meet the victim.

"It's been more than 24 hours and they haven't let me meet the victim or her mother. Delhi police are the police of goons. They are not able to arrest the rapists. I wanted to meet the girl to understand that she is not going through any pressure. I wanted to make out compensation and legal aid. But Delhi police aren't allowing it," she said.

She added that Delhi Police has the work to give security to women but they are doing 'hooliganism' which is 'shameful'. "But we have issued notice for Delhi police...I have got two important phone calls right now. In two different localities of Delhi, two major crimes have happened, and victims are waiting for me. But I'll come back and meet the victim and her mother..," Maliwal further said.

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