Officials stated on Sunday that the Delhi Police has filed a thousand-page charge sheet against Gurpreet Singh in connection with the murder of Swiss woman Nina Berger, news agency PTI reported. According to the charge sheet, the major reason for the woman's murder was a money disagreement between her and the accused. Nina Berger's decomposing body was discovered near the wall of a municipal school in West Delhi's Tikal Nagar on October 20, 2023. According to the authorities, her limbs were bound with metal chains that were secured.

A day after the incident, the police detained Singh, 33, of West Delhi's Janakpuri, in connection with the case.

According to authorities, Singh is the lone accused in the murder of the Swiss woman in the thousand-page charge sheet.

According to them, the charge sheet was submitted in a municipal court on January 11.

The major reason for the murder, according to the charge sheet, was a money disagreement between Singh and Berger.

According to authorities, the accused sought roughly Rs 7 lakh from the victim.

According to the charge sheet, Singh and his father were stone and gem industry dealers.

During his visit to Switzerland, the accused allegedly provided Berger jewels and performed occult practice under the guise of mending her career troubles, following which he began demanding money from her.

Berger had attempted to withdraw money from various ATMs before to the murder but had been unsuccessful. Singh had accompanied her on one of her ATM trips, they noted.

According to the police, Singh's father, who has to be questioned in connection with the murder case, has departed the country, and a look-out circular (LOC) has been issued against him.

The police further informed the court in the charge sheet that the accused has studied up to Class 8.

They further stated that a separate charge sheet would be prepared against Singh in another case filed under the Arms Act after four guns were recovered from his home.