Swati Maliwal, who has chaired the Delhi Women's Commission for eight years, bid a poignant farewell after being nominated by the Aam Aadmi Party for the Rajya Sabha. The party also re-nominated Sanjay Singh and ND Gupta for another term in the Upper House of Parliament. 

Maliwal's tenure as the chairperson of the Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has been marked by challenges, protests, threats and interesting strategies to champion the rights of women and children in the capital. Here's a look at her journey so far: 

Early Life And Activism

Born on October 15, 1984, in Ghaziabad, Uttar Pradesh, Maliwal completed her education at Amity International School before earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology from the JSS Academy of Technical Education. At 21, she transitioned from a corporate path to join the NGO 'Parivartan.'

Her seven-year stint with 'Parivartan' focused on addressing poverty, corruption, and gender disparities in slum communities. Maliwal's collaboration with Arvind Kejriwal, a former IRS officer, marked significant strides in her activism. Her notable efforts include aiding flood-affected regions in Bihar and mobilising youth during the anti-corruption movement led by Anna Hazare in 2011. 

Chairing The DCW

In 2015, Maliwal became India's youngest individual to lead a women's commission. Under her guidance, the DCW addressed over 1.7 Lac cases that had previously remained unattended. She introduced a women's helpline (181), managing 40 Lac calls and establishing legal support for victims of sexual assault.

Rescues And Initiatives

Maliwal's leadership led to the rescue of over 2500 women and children from various perils such as trafficking and child marriage. Noteworthy actions include saving Nepali girls from trafficking and aiding a severely abused domestic worker from Jharkhand. Despite facing risks, Maliwal prioritised the safety of women and girls in Delhi.

Challenges And Advocacy

Maliwal's commitment extended beyond standard duties. She conducted late-night inspections to ensure women's safety, even facing personal risks. In 2018, she exposed distressing incidents in shelter homes, leading to arrests and reforms. Additionally, she took a proactive stance during violent clashes in Manipur and initiated significant protests advocating for stringent laws following brutal assault incidents.

Facing Adversities

Throughout her tenure, Maliwal faced threats and intimidation due to her activism. Despite challenges, including a violent attack on her residence and facing aggressive trolling, she remained resolute in her mission. Her advocacy extended to challenging societal norms, such as openly ending a toxic marriage and supporting abused women.

Swati Maliwal's nomination to the Rajya Sabha marks a new chapter in her journey, leaving behind a legacy of unwavering commitment to women and children's welfare in Delhi.