The Delhi Commission For Women's head, Swati Maliwal on Friday issued notice to the city police and the Delhi Metro in connection with a viral video of a man apparently masturbating in a train. Maliwal has called the situation ''sickening,'' and has urged severe action, news agency ANI reported.
Reacting to the video, DCW Chief Maliwal stated: "Came across a viral video where a man can be seen shamelessly masturbating in Delhi Metro. It is absolutely disgusting and sickening. I am issuing a notice to Delhi Police and Delhi Metro to ensure strictest possible action against this shameful act."
The Delhi Metro has issued a statement in response to a viral video of a young guy allegedly masturbating on a metro train. The DMRC (Delhi Metro Rail Corporation) asked passengers to be responsible and stated others on the metro should report such incidents promptly, India Today reported.
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"We request the passengers to behave responsibly while traveling in the metro. If other passengers observe such objectionable behaviour, they should immediately report the matter to DMRC helpline giving details of corridor, station, time etc," the DMRC was quoted by India Today in its report.
As the man continued to watch something on his phone, some passengers left their seats and sat elsewhere.
Meanwhile, netizens are calling for harsh punishment.
Several videos from the Delhi Metro have recently captured the attention of netizens.
The Delhi Metro had previously issued a similar warning.
(With Inputs From Agencies)