Delhi Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena on Friday sent a letter to Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister, accusing the AAP government of displaying unconstitutional audacity, intimidation, and noncompliance with regulations and procedures in the wake of the Supreme Court's ruling on service-related issues, news agency PTI reported.

The lieutenant governor wrote in the letter that a depressing state of affairs had arisen in Delhi over the past week, with the well-organized and expert administrative system once again bearing the negative impact of the political leaders' overbearing behavior.

"I write to you to bring to your notice the unconstitutional brazenness, intimidation and disregard of rules and procedures being indulged into by your government and its ministers, especially...(Services) Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj, ever since the Constitution Bench judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court dated 11.05.2023," Saxena's letter was quoted by PTI in its report.

Saxena accused the administration of having a disorganized way of governing, stating that he was receiving directives via social media and news outlets, and that he felt coerced by excessive media pressure.

Last week, the Supreme Court gave a significant ruling that granted executive authority over service matters, such as the appointment and relocation of officials, to the government of Delhi.

On Friday, cabinet ministers from Delhi convened with Saxena to discuss the transfer of the services secretary.

The AAP government has accused the lieutenant governor of not approving the transfer of the services secretary, even though the file was submitted two days ago.

Earlier today, Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal had questioned whether the government was planning to overturn the Supreme Court's decision that granted the elected government the authority to make executive decisions concerning service matters, via an ordinance, insinuating a possible conspiracy, news agency PTI reported.

"Why is LG sir not obeying the SC order? Why hasn't the file pertaining to Services Secretary been signed for two days? It is being said that the Centre is going to reverse the SC order by bringing an ordinance next week? Is the Centre conspiring to overturn the SC order? Is LG sir waiting for the ordinance and that's why he is not signing the file?" Kejriwal had tweeted.