Aam Aadmi Party leader Raghav Chadha on Wednesday quoted a Ram bhajan to reply to the BJP's 'Jhooth bole, kauwa kaate' jibe earlier in the day. Earlier in the day, a crow pecked Chadha on the Parliament grounds. The BJP posted photos of the incident on social media and ridiculed Chadha by saying "Jooth Bole Kauwa Kaate," a popular Hindi expression that loosely translates as "crow pecks the liar."

In response to the BJP's jibe, AAP leader Chadha stated: "Ramchandra told Seeta that in Kalyug the swan will eat grains and the crow will have the pearls."

Chadha's jab was targeted at the ruling BJP, which is facing a 'no-confidence motion' in Parliament due to the uproar over the Manipur issue.

The Parliament began its monsoon session last week, but both Houses have been disrupted due to the Opposition's demand that Prime Minister Narendra Modi give a comprehensive speech on strife-torn Manipur and then hold a debate on the topic.

The administration consented to the debate on Manipur, which has been the site of ethnic violence since May 3, but claimed Modi's declaration is a "caveat for disruption."

The Congress and the Bharath Rashtra Samithi (BRS) tabled a no-confidence motion against the government Wednesday over the violence in Manipur. The Northeastern state has been on the boil over ethnic violence since May but the matter took a turn for the worse after a video of two Manipur women being paraded naked on the streets of Kangpokpi village went viral.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi had earlier sought to hit back at the Opposition by comparing the bloc's acronym I-N-D-I-A to the East India Company and terrorist outfit Indian Mujahideen. The BJP also alleged that it was the Opposition that did not care about the people in Manipur and was running away from a discussion on it. The PM even said the INDIA bloc's conduct showed that the parties seemed to want to be in Opposition permanently.