Delhi police crime branch has arrested shooters of the Goldy Brar-Lawrence Bishnoi gang for the firing incident at the Punjabi Bagh house of a former MLA of Punjab, Deep Malhotra, reported news agency ANI. The incident took place on Dec 3 when a man allegedly opened fire in front of former Punjab MLA Deep Malhotra's house in west Delhi's Punjabi Bagh area on Sunday, officials said, quoted PTI.

"At around 6.45 pm, an information was received regarding firing in front of the house of Deep Malhotra, a former MLA of Faridkot, Punjab, in Punjabi Bagh area. No one received any injury in the incident," said a senior police officer, the PTI report stated.

Delhi police then registered an FIR and launched an investigation. "The teams from the Punjabi Bagh police station reached the spot and started an investigation. An FIR has been registered," the officer added.
Police said they found some empty cartridges on the spot. The initial inquiry revealed that some people had fired in the air in front of the house and fled. 

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