In another bid to hold election of members of the municipal corporation’s standing committee, the MCD House reconvened around 11 am on Friday after the House was adjourned due to clashes between the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) councillors on Wednesday, reported news agency ANI.

AAP MLA Saurabh Bharadwaj while speaking to the news agency said that he is confident his party will emerge victorious.

"We are confident that we will win the Standing Committee election just like the mayoral election", said Bharadwaj speaking to ANI.

Earlier on Wednesday, the proceedings to conduct the election for picking members of the committee - the highest decision-making body of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) - was adjourned after vociferous protests by BJP members, reported PTI.

The high-voltage drama and high-decibel sloganeering, spilled over to Thursday, until the mayor adjourned it for the day.

Several members of the BJP and the AAP on Wednesday night had exchanged blows and hurled plastic bottles at each other in the chamber of the MCD House, and the situation turned uglier on Thursday morning, according to PTI.

Videos of the clashes between the councillors also went viral on social media. In one of the clip,  the AAP showed BJP councillor Rekha Gupta and other councilors standing on the dias and throwing away things kept there.

The election to the posts of mayor and deputy mayor of the MCD on Wednesday was conducted after three previous failed attempts and order by the Supreme Court.

On February 17, the top court had ordered issuing of a notice within 24 hours for convening the first meeting of the MCD to fix the date of elections for the mayor, the deputy mayor and the members of the standing committee of the civic body, a PTI report stated.