A 26-year-old died in northeast Delhi's Sunder Nagri after allegedly being tied to a pole and assaulted by a group of individuals who suspected him of theft, as reported by the news agency PTI, citing the police on Wednesday (September 27). The incident occurred on Tuesday morning within the G4 block of Sunder Nagri. 

A video purportedly of the incident shows the youth, who is tied to a pole, being thrashed by 2-3 persons. The clip has gone viral. ABP Live is not sharing the video due to its graphic nature.

According to Deputy Commissioner of Police (northeast) Joy Tirkey, Abdul Wajid, a 60-year-old fruit vendor and resident of Sunder Nagri, filed a complaint asserting that his son, Isar, had lost his life due to an assault by individuals who accused him of theft.

Tirkey also said that Isar was mentally challenged. 

"We got a call around 10:45 pm yesterday from a man that his son was killed. We reached the spot and saw that the body of the 26-year-old Isar was kept outside their home. We got to know that he was beaten up by a few people in the morning because they thought Isar was a thief. Maybe he was tied up and beaten. It is also being said that Isar was mentally challenged but it is not confirmed yet. He succumbed to his injuries in the evening. We have registered a case of murder," Tirkey was quoted as saying by news agency ANI. 

Wajid returned home on Tuesday evening to find his son in excruciating pain outside their home, covered in injury marks all over his body. Isar told his father that around 5 AM, he was apprehended by a group of youths near the G4 block, who promptly accused him of stealing. They then immobilised him by securing him to a pole and beating him with sticks. Tirkey also revealed that the alleged assailants were known to live nearby the G4 block.

Isar was transported to his home by a neighbour, Aamir, using a rickshaw. At around 7 PM, Isar succumbed to the severe injuries he had sustained. Wajid promptly notified the police, and the deceased's body was transferred to GTB Hospital for a post-mortem examination, as confirmed by the Deputy Commissioner of Police.

The Delhi Police registered a murder case in connection with this incident and are actively engaged in efforts to identify and apprehend the individuals responsible for the fatal assault on Isar. The investigation into the case continues as authorities.