Following AAP's "Maha Rally" at Delhi's Ramlila Maidan, Arvind Kejriwal came under assault from the Bhartiya Janata Party, who referred to him as an "ill-mannered nawab." “Arvind Kejriwal is corrupt and useless. The language he has used today is of a very low standard,” said Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva, news agency PTI reported. On the other hand, Manoj Tiwari, a member of the BJP, referred to the Delhi chief minister as a "political tourist" and claimed that in order to visit other states, he solicits votes from Delhi.

Slamming PM Modi, CM Kejriwal had stated: "I want to ask that PM (Narendra) Modi has been in power as Gujarat chief minister and then as prime minister for long, and Kejriwal has been in power for eight years, who has done more work for people."

In response to his remark, Delhi BJP Chief said: "PM doesn't need a certificate from anyone. It's Arvind Kejriwal who needs to mind his language."

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, spoke at a gathering at Ramlila Maidan today in opposition to what the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) has dubbed the "dictatorial ordinance" on the topic of services that was issued by the Centre last month. 

While speaking at the party's "Maha Rally" in the Ramlila Maidan, Kejriwal said that the arrests of AAP leaders Manish Sisodia and Satyendar Jain were made in an effort to halt work in the city. "But we have have 100 Sisodias and 100 Jains. They will continue the good work," the chief minister said.

Countering AAP's allegation, Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva stated: "He (Arvind Kejriwal) said he has 100 Manish Sisodias and 100 Satyendar Jains. This means that the river of corruption is flowing through the entire party (AAP)."

"His (Arvind Kejriwal) only aim is how to loot Delhi," he further stated.

Earlier today, the AAP leader declared that Delhi is the "first city to be attacked" and that similar legislation will be introduced for Rajasthan and other states as well.