Several fire tenders and fire service officials reached the spot after a major fire broke out at Kamla Market in Delhi on Saturday. However, the fire was doused and the situation was brought under control by the fire tenders, said Delhi fire service. In a video posted on Twitter by ANI, several officials were seen dousing the flames and taking stock of the situation at the site. The incident took place just a day after an 85-year-old man was killed in a fire in his apartment in southwest Delhi's Dwarka area, officials said on Saturday, as reported by news agency PTI.
Meanwhile, in a Tweet posted on ANI, Delhi’s Fire Service said, “Fire broke out at Kamla Market in Delhi. Several fire tenders on the spot. Fire has been brought under control.”
In a similar incident, an 85-year-old man was killed in a fire in his apartment in a residential building in southwest Delhi's Dwarka area.
While commenting on it, a senior official said a call alerting the fire department about the blaze on the seventh floor of Mass Apartments in Dwarka Sector-10 was received at 8.26 pm on Friday, following which nine fire tenders were rushed to the spot, reported PTI.
The fire department official further said around 11.10 pm, it was reported that household items in Sadan Chandra's flat caught fire and it spread to the eighth floor.
The official added the fire burnt curtains and an air-conditioner unit of the flat.
Meanwhile, Chandra suffered burn injuries in the fire and was taken to the Indira Gandhi Hospital by police before the arrival of fire tenders. Later, he was declared dead at the hospital said the officials, as reported by PTI.
The deceased was retired from a PSU and was living with his daughter and son-in-law, said Deputy Commissioner of Police (Dwarka) M Harsha Vardhan.
The building has nine floors and the police said they found that a fire broke out suddenly on the seventh floor.
However, during the fire, other occupants of the house had gone to market.