Delhi Fire Incident: A false alarm of fire at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) was given to the Delhi Fire Service (DFS) control room in the national capital on Tuesday evening, news agency PTI reported on Tuesday, citing officials.

The call was made by a nearby resident at fire control room number 101 at 9.28 pm. The caller said that a fire broke out on top floor of the surgery block in AIIMS, they said.

"Soon after the call, we sent seven fire tenders to the spot but they found no fire had occurred. There were some fumes from the LED light, which the caller believed that it is a fire," said an official of DFS, as quoted by PTI. The local police also reached the spot and later declared the call as bogus, he said.

The officer said that the caller has accepted that he mistakenly made the call. However, the police said that it is investigating the matter further.

Earlier this year in January, a fire broke out at AIIMS Delhi. The fire broke out on the second floor, PTI reported, citing officials. No casualty was reported in the fire. Delhi Fire Services (DFS) had said that a call was received at 5.59 am and seven fire tenders were rushed to the spot. The fire was brought under control by 6.20 am, the Delhi Fire Services (DFS) said. "No one was injured in the incident," a DFS official said, as quoted by PTI.

In a statement, AIIMS said the cause of the fire was a short circuit in a refrigerator. At around 5:25 am, information was received of a fire in room number 2090 of the Reproductive Biology Department on the second floor, the hospital said.

"Security and fire control room were informed and the fire fighting team was alerted after confirmation of a short circuit in a fridge," it said, as quoted by PTI. The hospital further stated that the Delhi Fire Services were also intimated. "The fire was controlled immediately by AIIMS fire services while the staff of Delhi Fire Services also arrived. No casualty was reported and there is no damage to property," it said.