Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday criticised the move by Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena of stopping the engagement of specialists and advisors working with the Delhi government. In a tweet, the Delhi CM said that the move will "completely strangulate" Delhi government and its services, and hoped that the move will be quashed by the Supreme Court. Kejriwal’s statement came days after the LG approved the termination of engagements of 400 specialists working with the Delhi government.
“This will completely strangulate Delhi govt and its services. I don’t know what does Hon’ble LG achieve by doing all this? I hope Hon’ble SC immediately quashes it,” the CM said.
In a follow up to the mass removal, the Services department on Wednesday wrote to different departments and agencies of government to stop engagement of persons as fellows and advisors without the approval of the LG.
Saxena terminated the services of around 400 'specialists' appointed by the Kejriwal government in different departments, citing alleged irregularities in recruitment.
"... All the departments/organizations/boards, etc. under Govt. of NCT of Delhi are therefore directed... All the departments shall immediately stop engagements of all the Fellows/Associate, Fellows/Advisors/Dy. Advisors/Specialists/Senior Research Officers/Consultants, by whatever name, wherein approval of the Hon'ble Lt Governor, Delhi has not been obtained till date," said the Services department order.
The order also instructed the Finance Department not to release salaries henceforth for those engaged without the LG's approval.