New  Delhi: Residents of the national capital on Friday woke up to a chilly morning with the temperature being as low as 6 Degrees Celsius. Due to such extreme weather conditions, some people had no other option than to take refuge at a night shelter in the Kashmiri Gate area on Thursday night.

The caretaker there told news agency ANI: "A total of 15 people are staying here. Blankets and beds are available here. We provide tea, snacks, and 2 meals a day to people who stay here."

In the wake of such chilly mornings, the Delhi government has announced that all government schools will remain closed for two weeks from January 1 for winter vacation, news agency PTI reported citing the Directorate of Education's circular on Thursday.

The circular read: "All government schools under the Directorate of Education will remain closed for winter vacation from January 1, 2023, to January 15, 2023."

However, the circular also stated that remedial sessions for students of standards 9th to 12th will be held from January 2 to January 14 to revise the syllabi and also to enhance their learning-level academic performance. It read: "To revise the syllabus and to enhance the learning level academic performance of the students, remedial classes will be held for classes 9 to 12. These classes will enable the students in revising the basic concepts of the subjects from the examination point of view."

For the schools that have double shifts, remedial classes will be held in separate wings.

"However, if there is a space crunch, the head of school of evening shift schools may consult the concerned Deputy Directors of Education (DDE) - district and opt for evening timings accordingly," the circular added.

(With inputs from PTI)