New Delhi: After rain and thunderstorm lashed the national capital last evening, parts of Delhi witnessed waterlogging on Friday morning. Cars were seen wading through water on the Pankha Road flyover, in a video shared by ANI. These roads became a nuisance for the morning commuters. 

Thunderstorms with light rains lashed parts of Delhi including Patel Nagar, Rajiv Chowk, Safdarjung and Lodhi Road on Thursday. President House, India Gate, Delhi Cantonment and Budha Jayanti Park also received light rains, according to the weather department.

A portion of a road caved in near Hauz Rani Red Light on Press Enclave Road. Traffic might be affected from Saket Court towards PTS, Malviya Nagar, the Delhi Traffic Police informed. Repair work is underway.

India Meteorological Department on Thursday predicted, "Scattered to widespread rainfall/thunderstorm, lightning/gusty winds are very likely over the region from March 30 to April 1 in Northwest India."

The weather department warned that partial damage to vulnerable structures may be caused due to rain coupled with strong winds. 

Thunderstorms with light to moderate intensity rain would occur over and adjoining areas of few places of New Delhi and South Delhi, the weather department said, adding strong wind may damage plantation, horticulture and standing crops.

The weather department also predicted, isolated hailstorm over Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi and East Rajasthan on March 30-31, over West Rajasthan on March 30 and over Uttar Pradesh on March 31. Isolated heavy rainfall over Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh, Gilgit-Baltistan and Muzaffarabad, Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand on March 31 in Northwest India.

The minimum temperature in the national capital on Thursday settled at 17.8 degrees Celsius, according to an India Meteorological Department (IMD) bulletin.

The maximum temperature is expected to hover around 32 degrees Celsius. 

According to News18, over 20 flights were diverted from Delhi airport till 8 pm on Thursday.

On Wednesday evening, several parts of Delhi and NCR witnessed sudden rainfall accompanied by thunderstorms. In view of the poor weather conditions, nine flights were diverted from Delhi to Jaipur airport on Wednesday.