Two young brothers, aged five and seven, have been reportedly mauled to death by stray dogs in a forest area in Ruchi Vihar, located in Southwest Delhi’s Vasant Kunj, according to the police. The children were attacked in separate incidents, two days apart, and later succumbed to their injuries, reported The Indian Express. The local authorities have been informed of the tragic deaths, and the matter is now under investigation.

On Friday afternoon at around 3 pm, the elder brother, Anand, went missing from his home near the forest. Following a search for two hours, the child's body was found near a wall inside a secluded/vacant plot. According to a police officer, “there were multiple injuries on the body that looked like animal bites. A case of murder has been registered at Vasant Kunj South police station, and the body has been sent for an autopsy at Safdarjung Hospital.

Further investigation revealed that the area was home to many stray dogs that often attack goats and pigs. The crime scene was examined by the FSL team and the crime team. On Sunday morning at around 8 am, the younger brother, Aditya, accompanied by his cousin Chandan, went to the same jungle area to urinate. When Chandan returned after some time, he found Aditya surrounded by stray dogs and badly injured. Sub-inspector Mahender of Vasant Kunj South Police station, who was in the area investigating Anand’s case, heard the boys' screams and discovered that the dogs had attacked Aditya. He immediately rushed the child to the Indian Spinal Injury Centre, but he succumbed to his injuries during treatment, according to the Indian Express Report.

Autopsies for both siblings have been conducted, and the reports will be available soon. The case is being investigated by the local authorities, who are looking into the matter to prevent similar incidents from happening again.