Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said that the government and private schools in the national capital will be closed in the areas which are affected by waterlogging. "Closing all government and private schools in the areas where there is water-logging," Kejriwal said in a tweet.

Meanwhile,  Lieutenant Governor V K Saxena will hold a special meeting of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority on Thursday to discuss the flood situation in the city, officials said, as reported by PTI. Kejriwal, who is the vice-chairman of the Delhi Disaster Management Authority (DDMA), will also attend the meeting, they said.

The torrential Yamuna in Delhi swelled to a staggering 208.48 metres Thursday morning, inundating nearby streets and public and private infrastructure, and causing immense hardships to people living in close proximity to the river. The water level at the Old Railway Bridge crossed the 208-metre mark Wednesday night and rose to 208.48 metres by 8 am on Thursday.

The Central Water Commission said that It is expected to rise further. The commisssion has termed it an "extreme situation". Kejriwal, in a tweet, said the water level in the Yamuna was constantly rising and spilling onto the nearby roads, urging people not to go there. He also requested the citizens to help each other in this emergency situation.

The Delhi Traffic Police on Thursday issued an advisory on the restrictions and regulation of vehicular movement in place owing to the rising water level of the Yamuna river.

According to the advisory, the traffic movement has been impaired on Mahatma Gandhi Marg between IP flyover and Chandgi Ram Akhara, Mahatma Gandhi Marg between Kalighat Mandir and Delhi Secretariat, and Outer Ring Road between Wazirabad Bridge and Chandgi Ram Akhara The commuters are advised to avoid the roads and plan their journey accordingly, it said.

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