Delhi Police conducted a flag march on Wednesday in the Jahangirpuri area ahead of Hanuman Jayanti to ensure that peace is maintained in the area which saw violence last year during the occasion. Police have denied permission to Vishwa Hindu Parishad and another group to take our processions in the area on the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on April 6, reported news agency ANI.

ANI posted a short video on Twitter showcasing the march.

In the one-minute video, several police officials could be seen marching with lathis in their hands and dozens of officials were seen on bikes.

As per Delhi Police, two groups had asked for their permission to hold a rally in Jahangirpuri however, it denied permission to both groups.

Stringent security measures have been put in place. Paramilitary forces have also been deployed in Jahangirpuri and are patrolling the area to ensure that the situation of law and order is being maintained. Personnel are also patrolling on bikes. 

Last year on Hanuman Jayanti, chaos erupted all over Jahangirpuri as groups organised Shobha Yatras without taking due permission from the police. Communal clashes took place leading to riots. Delhi Police registered a first information report (FIR) against two men from the Delhi unit of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal for organising the yatra to mark Hanuman Jayanti on April 16. Civilians as well as police officials were injured in the clashes. Section 188 (disobedience to order duly promulgated by public servant) was filed at Jahangirpuri police station after a head constable of the same police station filed a complaint.

The FIR stated, “On April 16, without any permission, they gathered people and willingly carried out a procession “illegally”. There was a possibility of some tussle between two communities and it came to (the) fore from the police station that they did not take any permission. Prem Sharma and Braham Prakash personally gathered all the people illegally and without taking permission, they organised a procession, which is a violation of a notification issued by ACP (Jahangirpuri) on April 1.. Legal action under IPC Section 188 should be taken against them.”

Delhi Police has amped up security while citing last year's incident.