Delhi Weather Update: The residents of the national capital woke up to chilly and a foggy morning as the temperature in the city witnessed a further dip on Friday. The minimum temparature settled at 4.9 degrees Celsius today, the lowest this season so far, as reported by news agency ANI. As far as city's air quality is concerned, it returned to 'very poor' category after showing slight improvement early morning to be recorded in 'poor category'.

The air quality in the national capital was recorded in the 'poor' category at around 7 AM on Friday, as per Central Pollution Control Board data.

The AQI, however, returned to 'very poor' category as per CPCB's data at 10 AM. The overall AQI in the city was recorded at 307. Further, as per the CPCB, the AQI at Anand Vihar was at 306, Ashok Vihar at 329 on Friday morning. Visuals showed fog layer in Delhi at Kartavya Path.

On Thursday, the city recorded a minimum temperature of 6.2 degrees Celsius. Earlier, the India Meterological Departmjent had stated that shallow fog is expected in Delhi in the next five days.

Fog Observed In Punjab, UP, Bihar And Assam, Says IMD

IMD has said that bery dense fog was observed in isolated pockets over Punjab and shallow to moderate fog was observed in isolated pockets of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Assam, Meghalaya and Tripura.