New Delhi: A Delhi court on Friday ordered the city police to complete Aaftab Amin Poonawala's narco analysis test in connection with the Mehrauli murder within five days and has made it clear that they cannot use any third-degree measures against him, news agency PTI reported.
The Rohini Forensic Science Laboratory was ordered by Metropolitan Magistrate Vijayshree Rathore to allow the investigating officer (IO) to conduct the accused's narco test within five days.
"The IO is further directed not to use any third-degree measures. MLC be prepared as per rules," the judge said in the order, PTI reported. "The accused is willing for recording his proceedings through his lawyer engaged on his behalf. On questioning the accused further submits that he does not want to engage any private counsel on his behalf," the judge noted in the order.
Poonawala, 28, allegedly murdered his live-in partner Shraddha Walkar and sawed her body into 35 pieces, which he kept in a 300-litre fridge at his home in Mehrauli, South Delhi, for nearly three weeks before dumping them throughout the city a few days after midnight.
ALSO READ: 'Can't Even Get Up From Bed': Shraddha's WhatsApp Texts To Ex-Manager Reveal Assault By Aftab
Shraddha Walkar was constantly afraid for her life. According to her friend, her friends rescued her in 2020 after Aftab violently abused her.
Shraddha's friend Rahul Rai informed news agency ANI that when the police interfered in 2020, she dismissed the occurrences of physical abuse as "normal."
Rai further said that Aaftab used to lock her up at home and was involved in other affairs. Aaftab was also addicted to drugs, he said.
Previously, her friend Laxman Nadar stated that Shraddha had messaged him to assist her or else Aaftab would kill her. Nadar stated that he and his friends rescued Shraddha and warned Aaftab, but they did not notify the police because of Shraddha's promise.
Later, Shraddha stopped responding to Nadar's messages, so he informed her brother, who subsequently told her father.
Shraddha met Aaftab three years back on the dating app Bumble, but their relationship was not happy. The couple used to have regular money disagreements. Police believe the couple clashed about one of these issues, which led to Aaftab killing Shraddha.
(With Inputs From Agencies)