A minor fire started on a Delhi Metro train at the Rajiv Chowk station on Monday at 6:46 PM. In a viral video that surfaced online, a small flame can be seen atop a train. The train doors are open and passengers are seen recording videos of the fire on their mobile phones.

The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) confirmed the viral video and said that the fire was on top of a train which was heading to Vaishali. 

The DMRC said in a statement: “The case of pantograph flashing which occurs at times due to some external/foreign material getting stuck between OHE [Over Head Equipment] and pantograph.” A pantograph collects the electricity needed to power the train from the OHE.

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"The extant incident was the case of pantograph flashing which occurs at times due to some external/foreign material getting stuck between OHE and pantograph and poses no safety threat or hazard to passengers. However, the exact cause will be further investigated in this case", the DMRC said.

The DMRC also said that this does not pose any threat to passengers, in the statement. 

The Rail Corporation said that the affected pantograph was immediately put out of service and the train continued towards its journey after about 5 minutes “with remaining pantographs”. The exact cause of the fire will be investigated, the DMRC said.