New Delhi: Aam Aadmi Party mayoral candidate Shelly Oberoi filed a petition with the Supreme Court on Thursday requesting that the election be held within a specified time frame, said party officials, reported news agency PTI. The House was adjourned indefinitely on Tuesday, putting the Delhi mayor election on hold for the second time this month following a ruckus by some councillors.

According to AAP leaders, Oberoi went to the court on Thursday, and it's likely that the case will be heard on Friday.

The AAP had previously claimed that BJP councillors gheraoed the well of the House holding printed placards and accused the BJP of pre-planning the ruckus in the House.

On January 6, amid a commotion from AAP and BJP members, the first meeting of the newly elected House of the Municipal Corporation of Delhi (MCD) was also postponed.

The Arvind Kejriwal-led party won the MCD elections on December 7 with 134 seats, ending the BJP's 15-year reign in the prestigious municipal corporation and reducing the Congress to nine seats out of 250.

Shelly Oberoi is the AAP's contender for the post of city chairman. The BJP has designated Rekha Gupta. The chosen people for the post of appointee city hall leader are Aaley Mohammad Iqbal and Jalaj Kumar (AAP) and Kamal Bagri (BJP).

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The post of mayor in the national capital sees five single-year terms on a rotation basis, with the principal year being held for women, second for the open category, third for the reserved category, and the excess two again for the open category.

Other than the city chairman and the representative chairman, six individuals from the MCD's standing council are likewise scheduled to be chosen during the municipal House.

Delhi will hence get a woman mayor this year. The citizens for the appointment of the city chairman are 250 councilors, seven Lok Sabha and three Rajya Sabha MPs from Delhi and 14 MLAs nominated by the Legislative Assembly.

The Delhi Assembly Speaker has designated one BJP MLA and 13 AAP MLAs to the MCD.