Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Monday launched a veiled attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi by narrating a fictitious tale in the assembly. He also seemed to have expressed his ambitions for the PM's post, without acutally saying so. In his tale, Kejriwal raised issues of demonetisation, PM Modi's degree, alleged misappropriation of funds by private firms, inflation, and rising fuel costs.

Kejriwal's tale was about a boy from humble background who rose to become the king of a great country. But he was illiterate and made policies like demonetisation, which would cripple the country. "This king's policies were like those of Mohammad bin Tughlaq, who would change his decisions at whims," Kejriwal said. Kejriwal said those who questioned him would be imprisoned. "The class-4 passed king didn't spare anyone, be it judges, journalists, businessmen, or anyone. He would imprison them all for opposing him," he said.

Alluding to his nine-hour CBI questioning, he said: "There was a kattar imaandaar [honest] and deshbhakt [patriotic] leader who cared for his people. He would give them free electricity, medical facilities, and education. But the king got infuriated at this and called him up to censure him for undertaking welfare projects." In what seemed to be his ambitions for the Prime Minister's chair, Kejriwal said, "The people soon understood the reality and brought the king down. They then elected an imaandaar and deshbhakt leader in his stead."

He ended his story with a moral. He said, "The moral of the story is if your nation is hit by issues such as unemployment, inflation and other problems, first find out if your king is illiterate and then remove his from his post."

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Kejriwal further said that the BJP's aim was to finish the AAP. Reacting to AAP Gujarat chief Gopal Italia's arrest on Monday, the Delhi CM said: "The BJP is so shocked by the spectacular performance of the Aam Aadmi Party in Gujarat that it has now arrested our Gujarat leader Gopal Italia. Now, BJP has only one aim, how to finish Aam Aadmi Party. These people will put everyone in jail one by one," Kejriwal said.

Italia was arrested on Monday for his controversial remarks about Gujarat Home Minister Harsh Sanghavi. He was later granted bail. Two senior AAP leaders -- Manish Sisodia and Satyender Jain -- are already in jail after being arrested over corruption cases.