The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) on Thursday announced the launch of a signature campaign, titled 'Mei Bhi Kejriwal' (I am also Kejriwal), from December 1 to 20, seeking public feedback on whether Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal should resign if he is arrested. The AAP alleged a conspiracy by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) to implicate Kejriwal in a fake liquor scam case with the intention of weakening the party. Speaking at a press conference alongside AAP MP Raghav Chadha, Delhi Minister Gopal Rai detailed the campaign's approach.

AAP volunteers will carry pamphlets and collect signatures at all 2,600 polling stations across the city to gauge public sentiment regarding Kejriwal's potential arrest and whether he should continue governing from jail, news agency PTI reported.

Rai highlighted that Kejriwal had consulted with AAP MLAs and councillors, and there was a consensus that he should not resign but rather run the government from jail. The AAP leader accused the BJP of orchestrating a conspiracy to finish the Aam Aadmi Party.

"We are launching the 'Mei Bhi Kejriwal' signature campaign from December 1 to 20 at all 2600 polling stations in Delhi. All ministers, MLAs, members, and workers will participate. Teams have been formed to visit households, distribute prepared pamphlets, and gather people's opinions," said Rai, as quoted by PTI.

Raghav Chadha stressed that the decision on Kejriwal's resignation or governance from jail lies with the people of Delhi. Chadha accused the BJP of attempting to weaken the AAP by implicating its leaders in false cases.

"If BJP believes that after the arrest everything will conclude, we are prepared to govern from behind bars. All members have appealed to continue running the government from jail," Chadha said, as quoted by news agency IANS.

The AAP shared on its X account a video where Delhiites were asked about the alleged liquor scam that led to the arrests of former deputy CM Manish Sisodia and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh.

Earlier this month, the Enforcement Directorate had summoned Kejriwal for questioning in a money laundering case related to an alleged excise policy scam. He dismissed the summons as illegal and politically motivated, claiming it was orchestrated by the BJP.

ALSO READ | On AAP Foundation Day, Kejriwal Remembers Party Leaders Jailed In 'False Cases'

ED Notice Shows Preparation To Get Arvind Kejriwal Arrested: Gopal Rai

Speaking to news agency ANI, Rai remarked, "The way the Central government is stopping the works of the AAP government and conspiring to finish our party. Fake corruption cases are being registered, and our leaders are being arrested. They are now preparing to arrest CM Arvind Kejriwal. Starting tomorrow, December 1, we will organise the 'Main Bhi Kejriwal' signature campaign at all 2600 polling booths in Delhi. Our teams will visit door-to-door and seek suggestions on what Arvind Kejriwal should do after the arrest—whether he should resign or run the government from jail. Suggestions will be taken from the people and the campaign will run till December 20."

He said the ED notice to the AAP chief convenor was a clear indication of the preparation to get Kejriwal arrested.

When asked about the Lok Sabha election, he said a decision on the seat-sharing will be taken after the results of the five state elections. Results for Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, and Mizoram will be declared on December 3.