Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Aam Aadmi Party national convener Arvind Kejriwal criticised the arrest of his aide Bibhav Kumar, in connection with the alleged assault allegations levelled by his party's Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal. In a video statement on Saturday, Kejriwal accused the central government of targeting his party and announced a protest at the BJP headquarters on May 19. It is to be noted that Kejriwal did not mention Swati Maliwal in his video message. 

"You can see how they are after AAP. They first put Manish Sisodia in jail, then they went behind me, and now my PA," the Delhi CM said.

"I would like to tell the Prime Minister - you are playing this 'jail ka khel'...Tomorrow, I am coming to the BJP HQ with all my top leaders, MLAs, MPs at 12 noon. You can put in jail whoever you want," the Delhi CM said. 

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's aide Bibhav Kumar was arrested Saturday in connection with the alleged assault on AAP MP Swati Maliwal. The Aam Aadmi Party, in response, claimed she was "blackmailed" by the BJP as she faces a corruption case.

Kumar was apprehended from the chief minister's residence by a Delhi Police team. This comes a day after Maliwal recorded her statement before a magistrate at the Tis Hazari court.

BJP On Kejriwal's Call For Protest At BJP HQ Tomorrow

In reaction to the announcement made by Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, BJP MP Manoj Tiwari said, "An arrest is made by investigation agencies, not the BJP. Sending one to jail or granting bail is the work of the court. If he thinks that he will assault Swati Maliwal and the law won't say anything then I think they are not only mentally bankrupt but also facing character bankruptcy....PM Modi has zero tolerance towards crime. If you assault a woman, then you will be punished."

Swati Maliwal's Allegations Against Delhi CM's Aide

Maliwal had alleged that Kumar attacked her with full force, slapping her in the face and kicking her in the chest and abdomen on May 13 when she had arrived at the CM's residence to meet Arvind Kejriwal.

The Police have recorded the statement of at least 10 people, including security personnel and other staff at the CM's residence, who were present at the time of the alleged assault on May 13.

Earlier in the day, Bibhav wrote to the police that he is willing to cooperate in their investigation, but they should also consider his complaint against AAP's Rajya Sabha MP.

On Friday, Kumar had filed a police complaint, alleging Maliwal breached the security of the CM's residence to "gain unauthorised entry" on May 13 and created a ruckus there.

The CM's aide also alleged that when he tried to stop her she hurled abuses at him.

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AAP On Swati Maliwal's Allegations Against Bhibhav Kumar

Senior AAP leader Atishi, in a press conference, said if the Delhi Police is impartial, it should also register an FIR on Kumar's complaint.

She further said, "This conspiracy is being carried out to harass AAP and to stop Arvind Kejriwal from campaigning. Tomorrow morning, Arvind Kejriwal will go to BJP’s headquarters, along with all the party leaders, so that the BJP can arrest whoever they want in one go". 

"Delhi Police arrested Bibhav Kumar after just 20 minutes since his hearing of anticipatory bail began (at the Tis Hazari Court). This shows that the BJP and its Delhi Police know that this case is false. Swati Maliwal’s videos which have come forward in the past two days make it clear that she was not attacked," she added.

Maliwal's medical examination was conducted at the AIIMS on Friday. According to the medico-legal certificate (MLC), she has "bruises over proximal left leg dorsal aspect of approx size 3x2 cm and right cheek elbow below right eye of approx size 2x2 cm". 

Maliwal also attacked her party for dismissing as "baseless" her assault allegations against Bibhav Kumar, and said the AAP has given in under a "goon's pressure" and is now questioning her character.

The AAP, Maliwal said, has made a "U-turn" two days after accepting that Kumar had "misbehaved" with her.

READ | Who Is Bibhav Kumar, Delhi CM's Aide Arrested In Swati Maliwal Assault Case?